city - the center of the Pskov region.
Pskov lies in the north - west of Russia, on the border with Estonia, between St. Petersburg, (Pskov is 280 km far away from St. Petersburg) and Riga (Latvian).
You can visit Kremlin, ancient fortresses and monasteries. Pskov, although a small city, has a rich cultural heritage, which is evident from the vast number of ancient monuments and merchnt's chambers, monasteries, churches and forts around Pskov. It is very ancient city.
Pskov City tour. Monasteries and Museums to visit. Travel Reservations. Hotel accommodation. Ancient Russian fortresses to visit, to see a numerous chuches and towers.
I would like to share with you this numerous pictures. For this photo gallery I selected the best pictures that reflect the quiet and solemn beauty of the Pskov area, its historical and cultural heritage and the spirit of its inhabitants.
Chuches in Pskov city, Russia.
Pskov is very ancient Russian city - 1 100 year old.
Ancient Russian city Pskov has celebrated 1 100 year jubilee, July 20 - 24, 2003 year. Photos of holiday: events, news. History. Ceremonies, performances, celebration. On this web-site we have a lot of pictures. This site describes one of Russia’s ancient cities, Pskov. It is also full of Russian Churches and monuments. There are many links to choose from and around every corner you will learn something new. There are old fortresses and monasteries to read about. The pictures are splendid and make the site interesting and fun to navigate.Here is the catalogue "Historical and cultural monuments of Pskov and Pskov region" on the Internet. There are a lot of photos in this collection.
The land of Pskov has a very interesting history. From the ancient times, the town has been famous for its glamour. It is located at the border of Estonia and Latvia, which allows to organize a combined tour including a trip to those countries. There are over 300 monuments of architecture of the XII-XX centuries that have been preserved to date. Spots of interest dating back to the X century include the Trinity Cathedral, the Pagankin Trade yard (civilian houses, merchant chambers, currently a state Museum embracing a collection of the XII century icons and silver crafts), the tremendous Alexander Nevskiy monument at the entrance to the city, the Mirozhskiy monastery (a pearl of the Russian architecture with unique frescoes dating back to the XII century, currently under the protection of the UNESCO Group). You can also find all sorts of entertainment available in town, such as bowling, nightclubs, casinos and restaurants with exclusive Russian cuisine. Recipes Russian cooking.
This is the Russian Folktales pages! Enjoy and mystery and wisdom of this ancient culture. Use the links to learn more about the Face of Russia.
Natalia has prepared ebooks of poems and tales from Russia.
Here is a collection of poems by Anna Ahmatova, Sergei Esenin, Alexander Blok, Alexander S. Pushkin.
Here is an excellent collection of Russian proverbs and famous Quotes of Russian writers, - which Natalia has prepared.
PECHORY is 53 km away from Pskov city. Here is monastery and fortress of the 16 century.
It's a worldwide famous monastery that was founded in 1473. It was one of the few places of worship in Russia that has been continually open for over 530 years.
The monastery was named after the underground sand caves that have natural air conditioning and permanent temperature. The relics of monks and Russian famous aristocratic families were buried here: Kutuzov, Pushkin and Musorgsky. For our foreign visitors it is one of the main attractions. The caves branch off into seven galleries in which nearly ten thousand bodies are buried. All 7 branch of caves are approximately 218 meters long. Here is the monastery cemetery in the caves.
IZBORSK is 32 km away from the Pskov city.
This town is older than Moscow and older than Pskov. It is a truly unique place where every corner is enchanted by history. It used to be called a Russian Switzerland for the picturesque surroundings and breathtaking sights. It is possible to get a panoramic view of the place if you climb a tower.
The first mention about Izborsk refers to 862 and it is concerned with the legend about calling the Varangian grand princes for reign: Ruyrik, Sineus and Truvor, (the first Russian kings of the Scandinavian origin).
This place is known to all lovers of classical Russian literature. Alexander Pushkin is the best known Russian poet. In Pushkin Hills, you can visit Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoye estates where Pushkin lived and where he created his famous novel "Eugene Onegin" and other numerous works. Once you are there, you can enjoy the authentic Russian nature that has inspired the poet and walk in the beautiful oak parks.